
Saturday, February 16, 2019

America, a Democracy? Essay -- essays research papers

America, a Democracy?America. Whats the first thought to come to your mind afterward hearing this? Democracy? Land of Rights? That would make sense. America, the land of the free. The land of opportunity. notwithstanding is America really a democracy? A country for the people, by the people? To an extent, but not exactly. The people of this great country do not halt unlimited rights and the freedom to do what they please. Many of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution are organism limited and slowly being taken away.Since America is such a powerful country, it follows that the United States death chair is one of the most powerful figures in the world. Considering the United States is a democracy, it would await obvious that the people directly elect their leader. Wrong. The popular voting has nix to do with the election of the president. Instead, the way the president is decided is by whichever vista wins the most electoral votes. Each defer h as a certain amount of electoral votes based on the number of people in that states House of Representatives. In most subject fields, the winner of the electoral vote is also the winner of the popular vote. In a few rarified cases though the winner of the popular vote lost the election. This shouldnt be. The U.S. should have the people directly elect the president. A most recent case was the last election of 2000, Bush vs. Gore. Gore had the popular vote win by a margin...

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